Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What I am thankful for
2.I am thanful for Trentyn my 1st son.He is a light for me from the very beginning.He was the person who helped me see who I could be the mom I wanted to be.He is bright and kind he is the best big brother.
3.I am thankful for Hunter my second he has always loved me even when I couldn't take the best care of him.He is the sweetest loving little boy.He makes me laugh all the time even when he drives me insane.
4.I am thankful for my angel baby Bradly.Although I only had a short time with him he made me realize the mom I needed to be.He has brought me more joy then I ever thought I could have.
5.I am thankful for my baby girl Lora.She is such a wonderfully challenging little girl.I waited so long for her and to have her I feel like the luckiest mom in the world.She is the most beautiful little girl and I thank Heavenly father everyday for her.
6.I am thankful for my brothers and sisters.I have 3 brothers and 5 sisters.They each bring out different sides of me.I am truly thankful for growing up in a big family.I have always been very thankful for them.I may not always say it but I love them so much and wished I lived closer.
10.I am thankful for my dad athough he was only in my life for 10 years I truly know he loved us all.
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Twilight experience

As for the movie if I was to rate it out of 5 stars I would give it 3 and half stars.It was good but the camera angles and some of the acting wasn't the best but it was a whole lot of fun.If you like the books it is kinda like any book you love they leave things out and change stuff.It was good as a movie and it did pretty much follow the lines of the story.I hope the next movie is better then this one.Anyways go see it for yourself and you can be the judge of it.
I had a wonderful time with the girls and they were so much fun.Thanks to them for making it entertaining in the long wait! I am tired but it was a wonderul experience and one I wont ever forget!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Photo Tag (thanks Malea)
I was tagged and this was the picture I found.Lora crying because she the camera.
On your computer open the 5th folder and then the 5th picture and post it! Then tag 5 people
I tag: Amy,Lynette,Tana,Erin and Ash.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
In my own little corner in my own little world.
So I have a crazy friend who is full of crap and lies to me all the time.She reminds me of Casey Anthony...yeah the baby killer.Anyways she has filled me with a line of bull and I am tired of being used.So if it is you then tell me the truth about the drugs and let me be your friend.Or maybe just cut me loose PLEASE!!!!!
Man I feel like such a downer lately.So having 3 kids and a husband home today was crazy.I like having my own time and do what I want.So no more Veterans day or sick hubby's.I sometimes want to go on strike I mean do the dishes ever stop? Why can't laundry do itself.I need to invent something that will do my laundry.Since I am so totally afraid of our garage since we had a rat problem.Their hole is right next to our washer...hey maybe I can get them to do my laundry like in Cinderella.Ok wishful thinking.I wish I had a maid then she could do everything for me.Greg needs to get a higher paying job lol.Maybe I could have a Super Manny,has anyone see the previews for the new show?I think it just might be my dream come true.I get to boss a guy around and not have to sleep with him.I can just send him home and sleep in my own bed by myself.Ok just kidding gotta love my husband right?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thoughts of a crazy boring housewife
I need to remember that I can do things.I guess as Greg said I just have no faith in myself.I really need to work on the little things in life.For me it seems like two steps forward twenty steps back.I need to find me again and find a few good friends that I can talk to and hang out with.So my new goal is to find me and or find a good friend who wants to be my friend.Well see how that goes.So if anyone wants to be my new best friend sign up.( j/k really I just want a good friend to hang out with).
Oh and I found a spot in my house where I get Internet YAHOOOOOOO.I bet you will never guess where.......I will tell you in another post.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Church and some other ramblings
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween pics and life update.
I am busy trying to get over being sick but that is ok.My mother law finally got her internet back so I can update a little more often.L is busy walkin g and talking like a cute girl she is.T is doing very good in school and getting so big.He is sweet but gets in trouble for talking in class.Which is so weird because he used to be so shy.H loves Kinder and loves going to school.He has had a new "girlfriend" every week it is so funny.