Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Past friends

People come in our lives sometimes just for a few moments but do they really know the impact they have on a person? I always wonder if I have touched someone and that they wonder what happened to me for instance I have a few different people I think about.
I had a friend whom I was very close to.I will call her Stacy,I loved her as much as a friend could.We both lost a baby,both our third boy and only about 18 months apart from each other.I would like to think I helped her at some point in her loss.I know I did at some point help her.Sometimes the ugly jealous bug comes rearing its head.I had been trying to get pregnant for over a year and she had just lost her baby about 6 weeks prior.She told me she was pregnant i was so mad because she was drinking and not doing anything right.(yes I know humility isn't always my strong point.)Plus on a side note my true BFF( I will call her Polly) had told me the night before that she was pregnant unexpectedly.(with her I was able to explain that I was jealous).So anyways back to the other friend Stacy.I tried to be a good friend but after the whole Jealous thing we lost touch.She went through alot with her next pregnant.(I did end up getting pregnant 6 months later...with my beautiful daughter).I know that some of the reason we lost touch was because I had hurt feelings.But I now know she started doing drugs again.After moving to Medford I cut her out of my life.I still wonder about her and her 3 boys.I hope the best for her and I know at the time when I was friends with her was what we both needed.I think I needed her and her loss more then she needed me.I went through her loss like it was my own.I never really dealt with my son's death.I was so excited to have a friend who was going to have a baby.I loved that baby like a family member.I remember after Stacy baby died I called my mom and just cried,it helped me remember alot that I forgot and made me deal with what I never had.
I have had other friends who I knew and loved or just a random person.Like the friend that I had in 2nd grade I loved her and she was a good childhood friend I wonder what happened to her.When I was 7 I had my tonsils out there was a girl at the hospital who's sister was there having something done.She was sweet and nice to,it made the surgery very easy.I also remember all the nurses and Dr.s who saved my life.I found out one of my Surgeons (who was awesome) was a a member of the same church I went to.I always felt close to him.
OK so I am not sure if this is a weird post but I was just thinking about this and how people come and go and who knows maybe we touched them someway.

1 comment:

Kaylene said...

(((HUGS))) I feel the same way sometimes about knowing people, but loosing them with time and wondering what ever happened.