Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Go me!
Well I had another tooth pulled yesterday,it wasn't as bad as the other besides it wouldn't stop bleeding.I finally got some of my meds again I got home and cleaned my huge sectional.It took a good hour to scrub it clean.It looks so pretty and clean.I also got my junk draw clean and organised.I also got my living room picked up and vacumed.We have inspection from the state soon,so I am trying to get all my spring cleaning done.I need to do dishes and clean the computer area.I know I can do it! I think I may clean Lora's room and get that all organized.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I haven't posted anything in a week I am horrible.The week has been slow and boring L is growing big and she is starting to say so much!She tries to bark like a dog it is really cute.H is going to be 5 on the 3rd .It is so crazy how big he is getting.He will be in k-school this year so both boys will be school all day.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Teeball has started
Friday, April 11, 2008
I am
You're So Lovable!!!
No one hate you - Why did you even take this? you know no one hates you... lol You're polite to everyone - you don't try to cause trouble w/ anyone - You have a couple best friends who love you and the other people who you just talk w/ or don't say anything to have absolutely nothing against you =) Actually - I'd probably love you too... lol
How Many People Hate You?
Sounds about right
I stole this from Amy and did the quiz...yup pretty much.
You Are Cinderella!
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You Are Cinderella!

Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Why does two stupid ppl have to ruin my life? I hate them so much they are ruining a relationship with some good friends.I hate them I am at home sitting here crying because I can't handle it anymore.Why wont he just listen to me and let it go it wont make it any better.My life is going to get much worse and I am not sure I can handle it.I hate life right now if I didn't have my kids I so wouldn't even care to pick up and leave.I am not sure I will make it my body and nerves are so shot.There is nothing I can do I am stuck in the hell hole I have to call a town.I thought everything was fine and dandy then bam and my life is so crappy.I keep trying to think this to shall pass and I hope it does very soon.So life sucks but I am going to just sit in my hole and try not to think about all the bad and think about my kids and wonderful hubby.
Upset and confused.
Greg was fired as teeball coach last night and it was so unfair.It all started because Greg ask our friend Eddie to be ass. coach.Well Eddie and the guy Wade that is in charge have big history.Long story short Wade tried to make the moves on Eddies wife.So they have personal issues but last night some little things happen.It all started because these kids were trying to take a wheel barroll on the field while Greg was trying to coach.So Greg and her were emailing back and forth.Here are the emails that were sent back and forth today.Please tell me what you guys think? Do you think he should have been let off? We are taking this higher I think it is total BS.Yes Greg probably shouldn't have cussed but he was very upset.Greg called them last night to let them know about it and Wade said deal with it.So these were the emails from today.I also wrote a email to his wife and it is on the bottom I was trying to make it better.His wife Christy called Greg yelling at him Greg told her to f-off and that is wasn't ok to talk to him like that.So then he called another guy Greg and Derek tried to make it better but Wade comes up to Greg and says we have let you go. Greg was also suspened from the fire department which is unfair but I guess we will deal with it as it goes.
Here they are bottom from the top.
I did say something to the kids nicely, but they didn't want to listen very well. A little other say would be nice. The way it was dealt with on the phone was ridiculous. If something would have happened to the younger kids while the older ones were on the field, it would have been my shiny hiney that got chewed. When I said something to the kids there were a few people standing around, but no one else said anything either way, if I cant call the president of the league and ask for that person to nicely mention something to the other coach, then what am I suppose to do. I wasn't going to make it a big deal until the phone conversation! And yeah go ahead and have him call me I could care less, but just so you know don't even bother to ask me to coach next year, I am trying very hard to figure stuff out, I have great help this year and apparently Wade has a problem with Eddie. Well I don't. I know more than the both of you think, word travels around town very quickly, and as for trying to put the blame on Laurie and Eddie for taking their kids to Gold Beach last year, maybe you two should realize the truth and know that they followed the coach. And your right it WASN'T a situation to be up in arms over! And as for yelling at the kids, I didn't yell at them and I won't, I will in no way involve the kids in this, they are there to have fun! HAVE A NICE DAY!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: thephillips@wildblue.netTo: campbell502@hotmail.comSubject: Re: baseballDate: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 11:58:28 -0800I'm not showing this to Wade. We are on our way to Coos Bay and need to get some stuff done. I will let him know about it tonight and I'm sure he will be discussing it with your furthur. My personal question is: If this was such a big deal why didn't you rationally say something when you where at the field when everyone was there??? I really don't think this is a situation to be up in arms over.My personal opinion: There will be no screaming and yelling at the field in front of the kids, especially at the kids! No matter what! Christy
----- Original Message ----- From: Brittany Campbell To: CHRISTY PHILLIPS Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:55 AMSubject: baseballChristy,This email is for Wade to read, I was a little pissed off yesterday at the way things were handled. It took a lot not to hang up when you said I had to deal with it, just so you know it was not only the wheelbarrow thing that got my attention, but there were other kids on the field before my team was off. I though we sat down and discussed the times that each coach would have the field. If it happens again I will be yelling and screaming especially if no one is going to help. I have my designated times to be on the field and thats the way it is. I don't care if they are just 5-7 year olds, the are kids that want to play baseball too, and from 4-5:30 on Mondays and Thursdays, that field is ours to practice on. If you feel you need to discuss this further, feel free to call me this evening, I will be home!
My email,Christy,I was reading the emails back and forth and I think that there have been some misunderstandings.First I know my husband very well and he would never yell at the kids it was just a figure of speak.He loves coaching and wants to be there.Derek asked him to coach not the other way around so he said yes.this is his first time ever and he is still trying to figure it all out.It is not a easy thing to do to be the coach and have to help and keep a eye on 13 kids.Plus having a whole other team come in while he is trying to practiceSecond it was so distracting to the younger kids having the bigger kids there.I was wondering if the older kids practice could be moved back to say 5:45? That way the coaches have time to finish up and get the things the coaches need to get done done. Third I was there when they wheel barrol thing happended and Greg was nice to the kids and told them no.They did say well so and so said ok.What Greg said was right(in his last email) if something happened to one of the kids while the other kids were bringing the wheel barrol back and forth Greg would have gotten in trouble.If one of my kids had gotten hurt I would have been upset and wondered why the coach didn't say something and told them no.It really wasn't that big of a deal I agree and so does Greg.I really think we need to defuse the situation as parents we want our kids to have safe and fun time.So maybe the coaches can figure out a way to make it so there aren't any interferance.Like I said perhaps we can have the older kids practice a little later.Just a few of my opinions.I hope we can work this all out.Thanks and have a wonderful day.Brittany
Here they are bottom from the top.
I did say something to the kids nicely, but they didn't want to listen very well. A little other say would be nice. The way it was dealt with on the phone was ridiculous. If something would have happened to the younger kids while the older ones were on the field, it would have been my shiny hiney that got chewed. When I said something to the kids there were a few people standing around, but no one else said anything either way, if I cant call the president of the league and ask for that person to nicely mention something to the other coach, then what am I suppose to do. I wasn't going to make it a big deal until the phone conversation! And yeah go ahead and have him call me I could care less, but just so you know don't even bother to ask me to coach next year, I am trying very hard to figure stuff out, I have great help this year and apparently Wade has a problem with Eddie. Well I don't. I know more than the both of you think, word travels around town very quickly, and as for trying to put the blame on Laurie and Eddie for taking their kids to Gold Beach last year, maybe you two should realize the truth and know that they followed the coach. And your right it WASN'T a situation to be up in arms over! And as for yelling at the kids, I didn't yell at them and I won't, I will in no way involve the kids in this, they are there to have fun! HAVE A NICE DAY!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: thephillips@wildblue.netTo: campbell502@hotmail.comSubject: Re: baseballDate: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 11:58:28 -0800I'm not showing this to Wade. We are on our way to Coos Bay and need to get some stuff done. I will let him know about it tonight and I'm sure he will be discussing it with your furthur. My personal question is: If this was such a big deal why didn't you rationally say something when you where at the field when everyone was there??? I really don't think this is a situation to be up in arms over.My personal opinion: There will be no screaming and yelling at the field in front of the kids, especially at the kids! No matter what! Christy
----- Original Message ----- From: Brittany Campbell To: CHRISTY PHILLIPS Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:55 AMSubject: baseballChristy,This email is for Wade to read, I was a little pissed off yesterday at the way things were handled. It took a lot not to hang up when you said I had to deal with it, just so you know it was not only the wheelbarrow thing that got my attention, but there were other kids on the field before my team was off. I though we sat down and discussed the times that each coach would have the field. If it happens again I will be yelling and screaming especially if no one is going to help. I have my designated times to be on the field and thats the way it is. I don't care if they are just 5-7 year olds, the are kids that want to play baseball too, and from 4-5:30 on Mondays and Thursdays, that field is ours to practice on. If you feel you need to discuss this further, feel free to call me this evening, I will be home!
My email,Christy,I was reading the emails back and forth and I think that there have been some misunderstandings.First I know my husband very well and he would never yell at the kids it was just a figure of speak.He loves coaching and wants to be there.Derek asked him to coach not the other way around so he said yes.this is his first time ever and he is still trying to figure it all out.It is not a easy thing to do to be the coach and have to help and keep a eye on 13 kids.Plus having a whole other team come in while he is trying to practiceSecond it was so distracting to the younger kids having the bigger kids there.I was wondering if the older kids practice could be moved back to say 5:45? That way the coaches have time to finish up and get the things the coaches need to get done done. Third I was there when they wheel barrol thing happended and Greg was nice to the kids and told them no.They did say well so and so said ok.What Greg said was right(in his last email) if something happened to one of the kids while the other kids were bringing the wheel barrol back and forth Greg would have gotten in trouble.If one of my kids had gotten hurt I would have been upset and wondered why the coach didn't say something and told them no.It really wasn't that big of a deal I agree and so does Greg.I really think we need to defuse the situation as parents we want our kids to have safe and fun time.So maybe the coaches can figure out a way to make it so there aren't any interferance.Like I said perhaps we can have the older kids practice a little later.Just a few of my opinions.I hope we can work this all out.Thanks and have a wonderful day.Brittany
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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