So yesterday was not a good eating day.I had to get blood drawn and then I had a dentist appointment.I went over to my friends and had fun hanging out with her.I got home at 2 and realized I had eaten nothing.I kept thinking ok go eat but just kept doing other things.I had a good dinner but by 11 at night I was so hungry I ate a handful of PB M&M's man that made me feel bad so I went and ate some wheat thins and apples.I was still hungry so I ate a bunch more wheat thins.So I need to remember to eat as soon as I can.
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God bless, Rajiv.
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Hello Brittany-
I stumbled across your blog today and read the first few entries about your desire to get healthy. I don't know you, but I'm happy for your decision. I made that same decision several years ago, lost 25 lbs and have kept it off. (I stopped eating the crap out of the vending machines at work and really analyzed my sugar intake). I encourage you to visit with a nutritionist or even better yet get a library card! There is so much information available on healthy eating and living. I rely on the "Super Foods" series of books. Making this change in your life is not about what you can't eat but about all the good healthy things you can. So what if you ate a chocolate egg? All is not lost. Tomorrow is another opportunity to get back on track. Being healthy is a lifelong journey. Keep it up!
Just like falling off a horse, you get back up and start all over.
One day at a time.
Oh you poor thing. There's always tomorrow!
or like I always say, there's always monday...
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